Friday, 21 May 2010

Solas Roots & Volunteering Opportunities

Solas was born out of ThePROJECT, which in itself emerged through relationships formed and nurtured at events such as Greenbelt Festival over a number of years.

What is your Solas story? Are you planning to go this year? Are you involved in the planning, or maybe as a volunteer?

Which band or speaker is it that you are most looking forward to seeing and hearing?

Send us an email with your own Solas story, have you been to the site at Wiston Lodge yet?
Send in some photos and videos and we can maybe set up a Flickr and Youtube group that can serve as a home for your images as the festival weekend fast approaches, and happens.

Are you a techy type that wants to get involved in helping to gather and edit media as it happens over the festival weekend, and beyond?

Check out the Volunteer pages on the Solas website - it  is a great opportunity to become a Solas-Maker, we are particularly keen on applicants as Stewards and Drivers, but you will see on the Volunteer page many areas that would benefit from you offering up some of your time.
Remember also that volunteer hours count towards Duke of Edinburgh or Millennium Volunteer Awards.

Check out this little video snapshot of the event named 'the project 2: in the flesh' from June last year that took place in Edinburgh. A stepping stone along the road that will take us to Solas 2010 in a few weeks time....

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